Sermons and Messages

Micro Sins: Mastering Micro Sins
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

Micro Sins: Mastering Micro Sins

We can be pretty good at “mastering” the “big” sins such as murder or stealing. But what about the “micro” or “small” that often plague the heart and emotions. Can we learn to master pride, envy, anger, laziness, geed, gluttony and lust? Jesus challenges us to a higher level of living – and that includes learning to master the “micro” or “small” sins in our life.

Gen 1:26-27; Gen 3; Gen 4:1-8; Matthew 5:20-24; 1 Peter 1:13-16

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Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor


What are "elders" or "shepherds" according to the Bible, what are they "not", and what role do they play in the flock?

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Remembering Your Baptism
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

Remembering Your Baptism

Remembering Your Baptism - the life-altering, changing point in our lives. It should affect everything we do after, changing the way we view sin and influencing our daily walk with Christ. It reminds us that we were lost and we desperately need Jesus.

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What am I supposed to do?
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

What am I supposed to do?

Matt 28:16-20 - Every organization has a purpose, a mission; the church is no different. Jesus talks about our mission in Matthew 28.

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Let us enter 2025…
Erin Murray Erin Murray

Let us enter 2025…

Happy New Year! Thank you for joining the Fairview Heights Church of Christ in 2025. Let us enter 2025 with confidence, faith, and boldness as we continue to serve and love God.

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Mission Distraction - Sin
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

Mission Distraction - Sin

We (the church) are here to live out God's mission, but there are distractions that can get in the way and keep us from doing what we're meant to do. A big internal distraction is sin. Sin can take us off-mission because it shifts where our focus should be. God takes sin seriously and so should we.

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God Over All
Erin Murray Erin Murray

God Over All

In this sermon, we are looking at Peter and John’s courage in Acts 4:1-22. We see Peter and John stand for Jesus, no matter what it will cost them. In this sermon, the goal is to dive into the text and see what we can apply to our lives.

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Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor


The local church is at risk of dying. We are disconnected, distracted, overly busy and tied to our technology. As Christians, we can also put a lot of emphasis on our personal relationship with God, thinking that it’s just about “me and Jesus.” But what did God intend? Taking a closer look at the first church in Acts, we can see that our relationship with God is tied to our relationship with one another.

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What will I do with Jesus?
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

What will I do with Jesus?

If someone where to ask you what event has had the greatest impact on your life, how would you answer? Maybe a marriage, the birth of a child, landing the perfect job? There are many things that happen that shape our lives for years, but none is as significant as the choice to follow Jesus. Imagine you’re present on the Day of Pentecost; you see men speaking in tongues, you hear Peter speak about Jesus, and you hear the crowd ask, “What shall we do?”

What would you do? Get in the pool? Or walk away? God has made it simple, we just have to choose Jesus.

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Our Mission
Joseph Taylor Joseph Taylor

Our Mission

The purpose of the church is not about politics, it's not about social justice (directly), it's not about fun and fellowship, and it's not just a social club. The purpose of the church was planned out by God and begins with us being a witness for Jesus. God's plan for the church was that we would learn, grow, and multiply...anticipating Christ returns. We -- the Church -- are the plan and means by which God changes the world.

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