Small Groups
We believe our mission is to grow spiritually in Christ, to grow closer to one another and to grow numerically through reaching out to those outside the church with the saving message of God's grace. On Sunday evenings (or other times during the week) we offer the opportunity to participate in small groups as an alternative to a traditional evening worship at the building. We encourage every member to participate in a group. Please contact one of the Elders to get plugged into a small group.
Our groups exist to build relationships with each other and to study the bible. Groups also provide another avenue of spiritual growth and provide an opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to come and learn about God.
Groups meet at various times in the areas of O'Fallon, Collinsville, Fairview Heights, Shiloh, Belleville and Swansea. Our youth (6th-12th graders) also have a small group designed for them.