The Fairview Church is involved in various community outreach efforts, bringing the love of Christ to our neighbors. Want to be a part of our outreach efforts? Or have a need that we can assist you with?
Clothing Closet.
The Clothing Closet is a ministry of the Fairview Heights Church of Christ. Clothes are given away for FREE to anyone who needs them, and anyone is welcome to come and look for clothes.
The Clothing Closet is open on the first four Tuesdays of each month from 9-10:30 am. (We are closed on fifth Tuesdays of each month.) The schedule may change at times based on holidays and weather. Clothing Closet notices are put on the church sign in front of the church building. You can call the church office at 397-1659 to see if the Clothing Closet is open.
Donations of clothing are greatly appreciated. On the north side of the church building is a large white wooden container where you may drop clothes for the closet. The items are then sorted and placed on shelves and racks.
We accept donations of all clothing types, including shoes, belts and purses. We also accept house-wares like towels, sheets, covers, and decorative items. Also, toys. But—due to space limitations—we cannot accept large items like furniture, or electronics like televisions, computers, and printers.
Backpack Buddies
The Backpack Buddies program is done in partnership with the schools in Fairview Heights, IL. Through this program, our members provide nourishment to students who may be suffering from food insecurity. The food is kept discrete in a backpack that is sent back and forth between home and school, one time per week throughout the school year.
If you’d like more information or would like to be involved as a member, please contact us via the link below.